- Date on which Indonesia became a Party: 24 December 1950
- Latest Act of the Convention to which Indonesia is a Party and Date on which Indonesia became a Party to that Act: Stockholm, Articles 13 to 30 (20 December 1979, Articles 1 to 12 (5 September 1997)
- Number of Notification: 95
- Instrument of Ratification: Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia No 24 of 1979, which was amended by Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia No 15 of 1997
2. Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs
- Date on which Indonesia became a Party: 24 December 1950
- Date on which Indonesia became party to the London Act (1934): 24 December 1950
3. Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization
- Date on which Indonesia became a member of WTO: 18 December 1979
- Instrument of Ratification: Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia No 24 of 1979, which was amended by Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia No 15 of 1997
4. Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization
- Date on which Indonesia became a member: 1 January 1995
- Instrument of Ratification: Law of the Republic of Indonesia No 7 of 1994
- Reference numbers of related documents on Indonesia’s IP in the WTO: IP/Q/IDN/1, IP/Q2/IDN/1, IP/Q3/IDN/1, IP/Q4/IDN/1, IP/N/1/IDN/2, IP/N/IDN/I/1, IP/N/1/IDN/C/1, IP/N/1/IDN/2/Rev.1
5. Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
- Date on which Indonesia became a Party: 5 September 1997
- Latest Act of the Convention to which Indonesia is a Party and Date on which Indonesia became a Party to that Act: Paris, 5 September 1997
- Number of Notification: 184
- Instrument of Ratification: Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia No 18 of 1997
6. Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
- Date on which Indonesia became a Party: 5 September 1997
- Number of Notification: 119
- Instrument of Ratification: Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia No 16 of 1997
7. Trademark Law Treaty (TLT)
- Date on which Indonesia became a Party: 5 September 1997
- Number of Notification: 16
- Instrument of Ratification: Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia No 17 of 1997
8. WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT)
- Date on which Indonesia became a Party: 6 March 2002
- Number of Notification: 1
- Instrument of Ratification: Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia No 19 of 1997
9. WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT)
- Date on which Indonesia became a Party: 15 February 2005
- Number of Notification: 50
- Instrument of Ratification: Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia No 74 of 2004
(Source: WIPO, DGIPR, WTO)
I think this property very good Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia No 74 of 2015